How to Make an Impact in a Post-Roe World

It’s a tough time for people who care deeply about reproductive rights.  

The Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision he effects of abortion bans and restrictions will fall hardest on people who already face significant barriers to health care, including people working to make ends meet, young people, LGBTQ+ people, and Black, Indigenous, and other people of color. 

In times like these, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed and powerless. But despite the size of the problems we face, and the perceived distance between ourselves and the people who make these decisions, there are things we can do to make a positive impact on our community. Here’s a list of things that you can do right now to support access to reproductive health care. 

Help us recruit for the Montana Family Planning Statewide Advisory Council

As many of you know, as of April Bridgercare took over management of the Title X program for the state of Montana. As part of our stewardship, we hope to build a Statewide Advisory Council made up of folks from all parts of the state to inform the work that we do. We know that what works in Bozeman might not work in Box Elder, and we need people in those communities to tell us how to best approach areas where we don’t have a lot of expertise. If that’s you or someone you know, please reach out to Nathan at! 

Sign up for Brand Ambassadors

Bridgercare doesn’t have a lot of ways for folks to get involved with our day-to-day work, so we’ve developed a Volunteer-to-Learn program to empower people in our community to be informed advocates for reproductive health care. For more info and to get your name on the list for our next course, click here

Get involved with our friends at Forward Montana

Obviously (and unfortunately), our political system has everything to do with access to reproductive health care. If you want to make an impact at the federal, state, or local level, get in touch with our friends at the nonpartisan Forward Montana Foundation

Stay tuned to calls to action during the Legislative Session this January

Bridgercare is planning to play a role in the fight for reproductive health care in Helena this coming January. Keep your ear to the ground on ways to help out there, whether it’s showing up (virtually) to make your voice heard, writing your legislators, or just spreading the word. 

Donate to Champions for Reproductive Health Care

As always, a great way to help is to support the organizations at the front lines of the fight for reproductive health care. Our partners at the Susan Wicklund Fund, Planned Parenthood, Blue Mountain Clinic, and All Families Health Care are all invaluable resources for the communities they serve, and can always use our support. 

These are tough times, but don’t feel hopeless! We always have the power to make a positive impact in our community. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to Nathan at 


The American West Was Always Queer


Anything and Everything Emergency Contraception