La Parrilla Partnership Featuring Peer Ed!

La Parilla chose Bridgercare as its Charity Partner for all of 2017! This means that 50% of La Pa profit will be donated to Bridgercare to support our new clinic, which is incredible. The other 50% of La Parilla's profits go back to their staff via an employee share program. Basically, La Pa is currently functioning as a nonprofit and, in the process, is lifting up both their hard-working employees and local nonprofits like Bridgercare! We owe a huge thank you to owner Pete Strom for his unparalleled generosity and the La Pa staff for choosing to support us. Thank you all!

Additionally, the difference between La Parilla making a sizable profit and only breaking even comes down to just 8-10 people a day. If an extra 8-10 people a day choose to eat at La Parilla, Bridgercare could receive thousands of dollars towards their new clinic each month. So go eat burritos!


Bridgercare's New Clinic


Sexually Transmitted Infections: Disproportionate Impact on Females