GiveBig 2019 Wrap-up: We Own Our Own Clinic!

It is official! As GiveBig came to a close, we now own our own clinic!!! #cantstopwontstop #GoBigOrGoBuildANewClinic

We would like to send a huge thank-you to all of you who either donated during Give Big, asked others to donate during Give Big, and/or came to our donor lounge at Bozone! Many of you gave generously during Give Big, and we are so touched by your inspiring commitment to Bridgercare. We are grateful for every single person who has supported us through this huge push to build and own our clinic over the last 3+ years! Teamwork really does make the dream work. 

Also, thank you to Bozeman Brewing and Mountains Walking for hosting the joint donor lounge for Bridgercare + HAVEN during Give Big 2019

A few more fun facts:

We were 5th overall in the amount of money we raised and tied for SECOND for a number of donors with 293 unique donors in 24 hours!! That's absolutely incredible and is a testament to all of your hard work… whether you gave/got 1 $25 donation, 7 $10 donations, or 2 $300 donations, you were each a critical part of making Give Big 2019 an overwhelming success!

Shout Outs:

Thank you to our 16 high school Peer Educators for raising $1435 for Bridgercare during Give Big ($2870 with the match)!

We also had a motley crew of 24 Fundraising Champions this year, all of whom were women! This group of Bridgercare staff, interns, volunteers, and Bridgercare enthusiasts collectively raised $14,186 to blast us past the finish line for our capital campaign.

We would like to recognize all of them by name: Melissa Casper (Bridgercare OB/GYN), Tracie Weiss (Bridgercare Clinic Coordinator), Heidi Makoutz (mom of 3 and famous ski coach), Catherine Akin (Bridgercare Registered Nurse), Emily Allison (I am currently writing this post), Shannon Pogh (Bridgercare Office Manager), Sarah Sentz (Bridgercare enthusiast and medical provider), Julia Thompson (Bridgercare spring 2019 intern), Amber Hughes (Social worker and Bridgercare supporter), Ann Rupert (Bridgercare Development Assistant), Lisa Davis (MSU professor and Bridgercare board member), Lucy Skinner (past Bridgercare volunteer, now in med school), Jen Bennet (Bridgercare Medical Assistant), Mary Cook (Bridgercare Provider), Nicki Bailey (total rockstar for social justice!), Mariah Donohue (past Bridgercare Medical Assistant), Sofia Shomento (Current Bridgercare intern), Katie Hammonds (Bridgercare Provider), Heather Holladay (Past Bridgercare Medical Assistant), Stephanie McDowell (Bridgercare Executive Director), Darla Timmons (Lovely Bridgercare Advocate), Anna Couch (Current Bridgercare Intern), McKeely Shannon (2018/2019 Bridgercare Intern), and Rebecca Ripperton (Past Bridgercare clinical assistant).

Lastly, please email Emily at and let me know if you have any thoughts, comments, or suggestions for next year!


Growing Up With GYNO
