About Us
Our mission is to provide excellent, affordable reproductive and sexual healthcare and education in a safe, supportive, empowering atmosphere.
What makes us unique?
Bridgercare is the largest nonprofit reproductive and sexual healthcare clinic in Montana and we serve over 5,000 patients each year. Since 1972, Bridgercare has strived to meet the needs of our community, and we currently do so through six core service programs:
Patient fees are based on income. Last year, 55% of our patients received a discount on our sliding fee scale, making care affordable and accessible.
We hold a free, walk-in clinic every Monday from 3-5 pm. Teens can receive comprehensive, compassionate, nonjudgmental care without barriers in cost or confidentiality.
Our staff are trained to provide inclusive, respectful care to members of the LGBTQ+ community, and the clinic offers a specific trans-care focus. We also facilitate three trainings for community leaders: Healthcare Allies Training to equip medical providers with the tools to provide safe and affirming care to all individuals, Education Allies, which helps teachers and others working with youth to be strong supporters of their LGBTQ+ students, end Everyday Allies which helps folks who do not fall into one of these categories learn the same critical skills in an applicable manner.
Bridgercare partners with Haven, Bozeman’s local domestic violence survivor advocates. Haven refers individuals to Bridgercare, where they receive free services in order to remove significant accessibility barriers for some of our most vulnerable community members.
In partnership with Haven, we facilitate a peer education program. High school students meet weekly to learn about reproductive health and healthy relationships and use this knowledge to teach in classrooms across south-central Montana. They provide comprehensive, medically accurate, nonjudgmental, and empowering sexual health education to their peers in both formal and informal settings.
Bridgercare is the only place many patients access healthcare, making it crucial to address both physical and mental health at their visit. Bridgercare uses the Collaborative Mental Healthcare model, which is based on an innovative, new framework for providing psychiatric services that best support patients struggling with anxiety and/or depression.
Montana Family Planning (MFP) is a statewide network of 23 service sites that provide sliding fee scale sexual and reproductive health care for people across Montana. MFP focuses on removing barriers so that everyone can receive the high-quality care they deserve.
Montana Family Planning
Montana’s Title X (federal family planning funding) network was, for fifty years, administered by the Montana Department of Health and Human Services (DPHHS). However, after shifts in state leadership threatened to defund Bridgercare and other family planning clinics in Montana, Bridgercare acted to protect the network from partisan meddling. We put forward an application to the federal government in November 2021, competing with the state for management of the Title X network, and in April of 2022, Bridgercare successfully won control of the program, protecting reproductive care across Montana!
2024 by the numbers
Thanks to you, patients received…
Despite growing threats to reproductive healthcare in Montana, you made sure that patients have always had access to the compassionate, affordable care they deserve. Thank you. Take a look at all the amazing things you’ve made happen in our 2024 Gratitude Report.
Our Annual Partners