Teen Clinic
Teen Clinic is for teens through age 19, and is Monday afternoons from 3-5pm.
We welcome teens of all genders and sexual orientations. All services at Teen Clinic are free and confidential. Teen Clinic is walk-in only, but all teens can make an appointment for another time by calling 406-587-0681 or scheduling online.

“Privacy” means that if you are under the age of 18, most services you receive here or things you share with a Bridgercare provider will remain completely confidential. We encourage teens to discuss their healthcare concerns with their parents, guardians, or other trusted adults whenever possible. We cannot tell your parents, guardians, or others about your care here or that you are a patient of ours unless you give us permission to do so.
Teens can give us their own consent for these medical services:
Pregnancy testing
Birth control
Sexually transmitted infection (STI) testing and treatment
You are guaranteed that the conversation will remain private if you talk to us about personal issues, such as:
Use of alcohol, tobacco, or drugs
School or family issues
Sex and sexuality
For your safety, some things cannot stay confidential. By law, we have to contact someone for help if you say you are:
Being sexually and/or physically abused
Going to hurt yourself or someone else
Under 16 years old and having sex
If you have any questions about your privacy rights, you can ask any Bridgercare staff member. We are here to help!
You've Asked, We've Answered!
Great question! Yes. At Bridgercare, minors can access sexual healthcare without the consent or notification of their parents. That means they can start a birth control method or get tested for STIs without their parents being involved.
That being said, it’s totally understandable if your parents are worried about you. That’s their job! Be sure to talk to them about your healthcare and choices when you are ready. For your safety, we are required to reach out for help if you tell us you are being sexually abused. Also, by law, we must reach out for help if you are under the age of 16 and you tell us you are having sex.
First, if you are experiencing pain, bleeding, itching, or discharge, make an appointment to see a medical provider soon or come see us during Teen Clinic.In general, sexually transmitted infections are just that—sexually transmitted! However, there are a few infections considered STIs that can spread non-sexually. For instance, pubic lice (also known as Crabs) can be spread through wet towels, loofahs, bedsheets, and wet clothing. Pubic lice can live outside the body for up to 24 hours in locations that are warm, dark, and moist.
Bloodborne STIs—like HIV, Syphilis, and Hepatitis B & C—can also be spread non-sexually. This most often occurs during IV drug use. Again, it’s important to realize these infections would not be considered STIs in this scenario since they were not spread sexually. (However, if you received them non-sexually, you could still transmit them to others through sexual activity.)
Lastly, it’s important to be specific about what we mean by “sex.” If you are having oral, anal, or vaginal sex, you are at risk for STIs. In particular, HPV, Herpes, Syphilis, and pubic lice can all spread through skin-to-skin contact.
Teen Clinic is here for you! We know it can be scary to learn you’re pregnant. The first step is to connect with someone you trust who will support you. Teen Clinic offers free, unbiased decision counseling to help you learn more about your options. You’re welcome to bring your support person with you. We’re also able to meet with your family or partner if you need help having this discussion.Whether you decide to pursue parenting, consider adoption, or end your pregnancy, Teen Clinic will give you a safe place to discuss your next steps.
Great question! Unfortunately, STIs will not show up (on either a test or symptomatically) until at least 2 weeks after sexual interaction with an infected person. If you have symptoms of an infection, though, like pain, bleeding, or unusual discharge, you should be seen right away. Teen Clinic always recommends using condoms to help reduce your risk of contracting an STI. -
Bridgercare is here for you. We offer services to all people regardless of their age, race, language, ethnicity, sexual orientation, sex or gender. Birth control and STI-related services are available on a sliding scale. How much you pay depends on your income and household size.
Thanks for asking! First, there is no age limit for purchasing a pregnancy test. If there is a pharmacy or grocery store within walking distance, you can buy a pregnancy test over the counter without any trouble. Prices vary from $1-$20. Some teens are most comfortable visiting a store with self-checkout.At Bridgercare, we offer FREE pregnancy testing appointments with counseling available on ALL options (prenatal care, adoption, and pregnancy termination) during Teen clinic and at any other time.
Teen Clinic is also easily accessible by bus! Check out Streamline’s website to see which bus you’d need to hop on.
Lastly, consider talking to another trusted adult in your life. Do you have a mentor, sibling, teacher, or friend of the family you can turn to? It’s important to feel supported as you make these big choices, and another adult may be able to help you get to Teen Clinic. If your pregnancy test is negative and you still plan on being sexually active and don’t want to get pregnant, you can consider starting a birth control method—so visiting Teen Clinic may be your best option.
Additional Resources
Bedsider is a birth control support network for women 18-29. It has a great birth control guide!
Scarleteen is real-world sex ed: inclusive, comprehensive, and smart sexuality information for teens and 20’s.
Love is Respect: National Dating Abuse Helpline is the ultimate resource for healthy dating and relationships.
RAINN: Rape, Abuse, Incest National Network is the nation’s largest anti-sexual violence organization and operates the National Sexual Assault Hotline (800-656-HOPE) in partnership with more than 1,100 local rape crisis centers across the country.