Get registered to vote from home with Forward Montana Foundation!

Have you met one of our best friends, the Forward Montana Foundation?? We HAVE to introduce you! This amazing organization is all kinds of awesome: they educate, engage, and organize young Montanans to shape their democracy to improve their lives and the lives of fellow Montanans. Yes, PLEASE!

Anyhow, one of the most important elections of our lives is coming in just *checks notes * 68 DAYS!!! Are you ready? If we don’t hear a confident, enthusiastic YES! – you'll want to make sure you’re totally ready to vote this November. Forward Montana wanted to share the following with you: Have you moved recently, changed your name or signature, want to request an absentee ballot this election, just turned 18, or will be 18 by November 3rd? Then it’s that exciting time to fill out a voter registration application!For those of you who don’t know us, we are a nonpartisan civic engagement nonprofit working to make voting more accessible. We have a very big election cycle coming up this November. Unfortunately, our voter registration efforts represent one of the many important community services that the current pandemic has made more difficult. But never fear, may we present the Online Voter Registration Portal!

What is this awesome new voter registration program? The idea is simple - you fill out an online form, we pull your details into the official MT registration form, print it off, and mail it to you with a pre-addressed and postage-paid envelope. All you have to do is fill out a few remaining pieces of information and then drop them into the mail! We have found that this service makes registering to vote more accessible to busy people and folks that don't have access to a printer, stamps, or envelopes!It is so important to all of us at FMF that everyone has the opportunity to participate in our democracy, and voting is one of the easiest ways to do that. With this new portal, we have registered over 200 voters across the state. The portal is tentatively scheduled to close on October 12th in advance of the election, so don’t delay! We hope that patients and supporters of Bridgercare will utilize this portal and share it with your friends, families, colleagues, and peers!!

If you have any questions or concerns, email Emma, Bozeman Field Manager, at emma@forwardmontanaorg. Let’s get registered!!


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