Brand Ambassador

What does it mean to be a Bridgercare Brand Ambassador?

Basically, we ask you to come to learn all about Bridgercare, our services, family planning clinics across the state and country, abortion access, what’s going on politically, types of birth control, etc, and then you go out into the community armed with information to help both friends and strangers alike in an informal, peer to peer fashion. As an official Bridgercare Brand Ambassador in our community, you will be better able to answer questions people have and refer them to Bridgercare or our community partners. It is basically a “volunteer to learn” opportunity because knowledge is power!

What is the time commitment and what are the dates?

You will meet once a week for a month (4 consecutive weeks). Days of the week vary, but we generally choose a Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday. Each session will be about 2 hours long (6 -8 pm) and dinner is provided. After your 4th session, you graduate! We ask that you only sign up to be a Brand Ambassador if you can make 3 out of the 4 classes for a particular session (we do recognize that you have a life outside of Bridgercare…). We plan to offer the Brand Ambassador Program twice a year – Spring (March/April) and Fall (Sept/Oct).

Interested in becoming an official Bridgercare Brand Ambassador?

Hurray! We hoped you would say yes 🙂 Please just fill out the form below, and we will be in touch as soon as registration opens for the next session.

Bridgercare Brand Ambassador Signup

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